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The reason for the mass brawl of teenagers in Omsk became known

A police officer (archive photo). Photo: Alexey Sukhorukov / RIA Novosti

Teenagers staged a mass brawl near the Mega shopping center in Omsk because of an insult in a social network. This was announced today, October 21, by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Omsk region.

Earlier, local telegram channels published a video taken at the shopping center. The footage shows how two young people start fighting, then the number of participants in the conflict increases significantly.

According to police, the incident occurred on October 19.

"Several teenagers agreed to meet at a shopping and entertainment center to resolve a dispute arising from an insult on a social network. As a result, the conflict ended in physical abuse, after which the teenagers went home. None of the participants in the incident sought medical help," the report said.

It is noted that law enforcement officers have identified all the participants in the conflict, the circumstances are still being clarified. Preventive measures will be carried out in educational institutions where teenagers study.

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