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A resident of Odessa, detained with a Russian flag, urged to go over to the side of Russia

A resident of Odessa detained on the eve of interrogation. Illustration: freeze frame / TC "Politics of the Country"

A video of the interrogation of a woman who tried to install the Russian flag on the site of the dismantled monument to Catherine II on Catherine Square appeared on the Internet the day before. Odessa.

During the interrogation, the detainee stated that her act corresponded to her political views, and called on Ukrainians to side with Russia.

"I will never forgive what happened on May 2, I will never forgive the fact that Donbass was attacked ... I support the Russian world, I support Russia, I support Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. I call on all Ukrainian normal people to voluntarily side with Russia. When these guys who are going (to fight. — EADaily) for money... (They) go to defend our homeland from whom — from our Slavic brothers? I believe that NATO, America are doing all this... our Slavs, our Ukrainian people, Russians, Belarusians are being destroyed," the woman said.

According to police, she faces up to three years in prison.

As EADaily reported, a resident of Odessa tried to hang the Russian flag on the site of the dismantled monument to Catherine II, the Strana newspaper reports.

The flag was taken away from the woman, after she was detained by the police, the newspaper wrote with reference to local publications.

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