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Prime Minister of Slovakia: We are preparing a package of military assistance to Ukraine

Robert Fico and Denis Shmygal. Photo: TASR

Slovakia unconditionally supports Ukraine's accession to the European Union and will provide it with all possible assistance. This was announced today, October 7, by Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico during negotiations between the governments of the two countries near Uzhgorod.

"We know how useful it will be not only for us, but also for you, if we have another neighbor, an EU member state. We need you there too, because sometimes countries with a different history, a different language have to unite in the EU and must create a counterweight to proposals that are not always beneficial for the whole Union," Fico said.

At the same time, he noted that there would be countries in the EU that "would take all possible measures so that the process of Ukraine's accession would not be too fast." According to Fico, Slovakia offers Ukraine specific expertise and exchange of experience in the integration process.

Fico also noted that Slovakia will participate in all peace conferences that should put an end to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. He believes that the world for Ukraine should be "high-quality, fair, sustainable," the country itself "should have security guarantees," and its "Sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected."

"There is probably no military solution here that would satisfy one side or the other," Fico said.

At the same time, the Prime Minister of Slovakia noted that the development of border regions has a positive effect on both sides of the border and is the key to the overall development of relations between the countries.

"In this spirit, we also perceive the renewal and reconstruction of Ukraine," he said.

According to Fico, Bratislava is very interested in participating in its reconstruction not only for the sake of Slovakia's economic interests, but also "because we believe that we can be useful in certain areas."

In addition, the Prime Minister of Slovakia said that his country is preparing another package of humanitarian assistance to Kiev and "the 14th package of military assistance with an emphasis on non-lethal assistance." He also recalled that emergency supplies of electricity to Ukraine. In this regard, he noted that he plans to go to the next summit The EU with a proposal for a systemic solution to the problem of energy assistance.

"It also needs to be transferred to the EU level so that it is not only Slovakia's responsibility and Ukraine. We have a single energy market, and we need it to work in relation to Ukraine," he said.

In turn, the head of the Government of Ukraine Denis Shmygal, who was present at the meeting, highly appreciated the approval by the Slovak government of the framework program for Slovakia's participation in the reconstruction of Ukraine. He also said that during the negotiations the "peace plan" of Vladimir Zelensky would be touched upon. According to him, "the meeting with the Slovak government will be effective, bring results, maintain relations and ensure peace and stability."

Recall that before the Fico government came to power in the fall of 2023, Slovakia actively helped Ukraine, including supplying Kiev with weapons. The new Cabinet of Ministers stopped military supplies, but did not prohibit non-state companies from doing so. At the same time, Bratislava did not refuse humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

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