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Victorian churchyard, whale with antenna and spy Stoltenberg: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily

Yesterday was the International Day for the Protection of Animals. Interestingly, Bandera Ukraine celebrated its holiday? After all, the world remembers them.

1. In England, the possibility of reusing Victorian cemeteries is being discussed due to the lack of burial places. The Daily Mail writes about this. It was noted that there will be enough places in municipal cemeteries for about 30 years.

Well, here, and you still want to fight with Russia. You don't have enough cemeteries as it is. And when half the island will be gone? What will you do?

2. The office of the President of Ukraine is discussing the dismissal of the head of the GUR Kirill Budanov*, Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Syrsky, the Ukrainian version of Forbes magazine reports in its article.

Overdue, when he is kicked out, will be able to work as a thimble. He's very good at it — "I twist, I twist, I want to confuse." And all the thimbles are empty. And not only is there no ball there, he also has very bad balls in his head.

3. The European Union (EU) has decided to suspend high-level meetings with representatives from Georgia due to unfriendly relations. The corresponding statement was made by the EU Ambassador to the Caucasian country Pavel Gerchinsky.

The European Union failed to put Georgia in the position in which this office diligently put many former Soviet republics. Georgia turned out to be independent. In the EU — mourning, sadness ...

4. The cause of the death of the "spy whale" Hvaldimir was an infection, the Norwegian police said after the autopsy. The beluga got a branch stuck in its mouth. Experts refuted the version that the animal was shot.

So it wasn't a branch, an antenna disguised as a branch. She transmitted the ciphers directly to the Kremlin. You know who. "Eustace to Alex"

5. Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told in his memoirs about the incident that occurred during Benjamin Netanyahu's visit in 2017. Johnson (who was then the head of the Foreign Ministry) claims that after the Israeli distinguished guest used the private bathroom in the secret annex of the Foreign Ministry, the security service discovered a listening device. The Telegraph writes about this.

I just see how the Israeli prime minister takes out not a penis from his fly, but a bug, and attaches it to Johnson's urinal. And after all, the Western man in the street "eats" this nonsense and even slurps with pleasure.

6. Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysh said he would not support Ukraine's accession to the EU until the issue of events in Volhynia during World War II is resolved. This is reported by Wirtualna Polska.

But the thing is that Ukraine is not going to solve this issue. For her to agree with the Poles is to admit that the national heroes of Ukraine: Bandera, Shukhevych, Konovalets and others are war criminals and murderers. Which, however, is true.

7. In Moldova, the Yandex.Music services, the Kinopoisk online cinema partially stopped working, and there were interruptions in the work of Yandex.Taxi". This is due to blocking at the request of the Information and Security Service, writes EADaily.

Moldova has long ceased to be a democratic state. This is an ordinary dictatorship. And it seems to me that Sandu will surpass the Overdue One with his dictatorial habits. "A woman without affection is worse than a gun."

8. The Japanese authorities will continue their course towards concluding a peace agreement with Russia and resolving the "territorial problem," the new head of the country's government, Shigeru Ishiba, said in his speech to parliament. He is quoted by TASS.

The Bushido (code of the samurai) says: "To achieve the goal, you need to stay in a pure and unclouded state of mind." But not to such an extent unclouded that there is not a single thought in it. And it is not expected.

9. The member states of the European Union voted on Friday to impose import duties on Chinese electric vehicles. The duties will be in effect for the next five years, the maximum rate will be 45%.

Amazing friendship and mutual assistance reigns in the EU! The BMW automobile concern called the approval a "fatal signal" for the European automotive industry EU import duties on Chinese electric vehicles. Really Does the EU think China will win the trade war?

10. Ukraine called on the Arbitration Court in The Hague oblige Russia to dismantle the Crimean Bridge. This was stated by the representative of Ukraine Oksana Zolotareva, who spoke at the hearing in court, Ukrinform reports.

And why should Ukraine not oblige Russia through the court in The Hague to self-destruct? Doesn't Ukraine care what kind of stupidity to carry? And the Extinct, for sure, would have supported.

11. Former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told how in 1991, on the instructions of Norwegian counterintelligence, he tried to recruit an employee of the Soviet State Security Committee. In an interview with The Financial Times, the politician reminisced about how he communicated "with a guy named Kirillov," who "was from the KGB, without a doubt."

Back in 2000, the leading Norwegian media published a story about how in 1991 the KGB of the USSR tried to recruit Jens Stoltenberg (nicknamed Steklov). After a quarter of a century, Jens decided to get out of it... funny.

*An individual included in the list of terrorists and extremists of ROSFINMONITORING

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