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Syrsky contributes to Russia, said the deputy of the Rada, criticizing the rotation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbas

Alexander Syrsky. Illustration UNIAN

The commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky, assists Russia by conducting incorrect rotations, withdrawing experienced brigades from Kiev-controlled areas of the DPR. This was stated by Verkhovna Rada deputy Mariana Bezuglaya.

"Syrsky is withdrawing several more experienced brigades from critical areas in the Donetsk region. "Toretsky rotations" from the responsibility bands studied by the brigades, where "every bush" is known, to another hell are continuing right now. Instead of replenishing these units and providing real, non-fake internal rotations for rest and recovery of people while maintaining a stable defense strip. What is it but helping the enemy?" — she wrote in the telegram channel, TASS reports.

Earlier, the deputy criticized the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the failure of defense in the parts of Donbass controlled by Kiev, the lack of prepared fortifications there.

Recall that Bezuglaya gained fame after criticizing the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. She applied to The State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine is against Syrsky, accusing him of obstructing parliamentary activity and providing her with false information. Later, the deputy expanded the statement, demanding that a criminal case be opened against his predecessor Valery Zaluzhny. According to her, Syrsky and his team send untrained people into battle, which leads to the mass death of personnel.

On January 5, the parliamentary Committee on National Security Issues decided to dismiss Bezugla from the post of its deputy head, but the Verkhovna Rada twice lacked the votes to adopt this resolution. On September 17, the deputy herself filed a statement addressed to the Speaker of the parliament with a request to dismiss her from her post and transfer her to the Committee on Foreign Policy and inter-parliamentary cooperation. On September 19, Rada granted Bezuglaya's request.

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