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No progress is expected for the better: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily

Unfortunately, I must state that there is no progress for the better in the world. Not on Ukraine, not on In the Middle East, neither in the USA, nor in Europe. And the worst part is that it is not expected.

1. "During the attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the territory of the Kursk region, the Ukrainian command used the prepared army reserves, thereby weakening the possibilities for conducting operations this and next year. The Wall Street Journal writes about this."

Have they already collected reserves on all streets, buses, clinics, markets? And are you sure that by 2025 the rest will not flee from Ukraine?

2. "The administration of US President Joe Biden does not want to be considered "contributing to the attack" of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the territory of the Kursk region. The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal writes about this with reference to sources."

She may or may not want it, but the fact remains that without the go—ahead from the United States, Kiev would not have launched an attack on the Kursk region.

3. "The Taliban* (the organization is banned in Russia) claim that after the seizure of power in 2021 and the expulsion of the previous government, together with the American military coalition, Afghanistan has become more stable and safer in three years. This was stated by the head of the Politburo of the movement in Qatar's Suhail Shaheen."

And they are right. It turns out that the main factor of instability in Afghanistan was the presence of American soldiers there. By the way, opium production has also decreased significantly, because it was the main earnings of the American military.

4. "The German government announced the transfer of a significant batch of weapons to Kiev by the end of the year. The military assistance package includes, in particular, two batteries of IRIS-M anti-aircraft missile systems, 2 batteries of IRIS-T SLS, 10 Gepard anti-aircraft guns, up to 30 Leopard 1A5 tanks and much more."

This, as I understand it, is gratitude for the fact that the Ukrainians blew up the Nord Stream, undermining the German energy sector.

5. "The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution "On the implementation of a pilot project for automatic verification and verification of information on conscripts, conscripts and reservists." According to the decree, all young men between the ages of 17 and 25 must be registered for military service without passing a military medical commission. 16-year-old children, upon receipt of a passport, will be entered into the Unified State Register of Conscripts, conscripts and reservists also without passing the Military school."

I have long advised you to register directly at the maternity hospital. A baby was born and a purple stamp "Suitable for cannon fodder" was placed on his pink ass.

6. "On Arson of cars belonging to the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine occurs daily, Al Mayadeen reports. The commander of one of the former units of the Azov battalion * admitted that he had given the order to shoot civilians suspected of damaging equipment without trial."

When a student surpasses his teacher, it is evidence that the teacher has successfully done his job. The Ukrainian Nazis surpassed their SS teachers. Those at least indicated a semblance of an investigation.

7. "The Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs of Burkina Faso Kassum Coulibaly is confident that his state and Russia understands each other perfectly. That is why the West African state is counting on Moscow's active assistance in the field of security, EADaily reports."

Apparently, Burkina Faso realized that it was impossible to do without Moscow's help after the "friendly" visits of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba to Africa.

8. "Germany will remain the largest supporter of Ukraine in the EU in 2025. This was stated in the Cabinet of Ministers of the country. Germany will not provide Ukraine with any additional financial support in the near future, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes.

This is the case when the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Or maybe it's simpler: the German media got confused in their own lies.

9. "American scientists from University of Illinois and The University of Iowa analyzed the DNA of the indigenous dog breeds of North America, which were gradually replaced by European breeds after the arrival of immigrants from the Old World. The study of the remains showed that some colonists used these animals for food due to lack of provisions. The study was published in the scientific journal American Antiquity (AmAntq)."

So that's what underlies the friendship of the USA and Korea is dog—eating. It is understandable: the Anglo—Saxons in America exterminated the bison, deprived the Indians of food, and themselves secretly - poodles for lunch.

10. "President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky called on the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (AUCIRO) to support the bill against "Russia's influence on the church," writes RBC-Ukraine.

The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches supported the government's bill, introduced at the initiative of Zelensky. A Jew in charge of the ministry of the Orthodox Church!!! Did he really decide that he was the second coming?

11. "US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris worked at a fast food restaurant chain inMcDonald's "also knows how to serve ice cream, said her running mate in the election, Tim Waltz."

This is exactly what is her main trump card in the struggle for the presidency. And Trump does not know how to serve ice cream, he only knows how to eat it. But why didn't Waltz emphasize that this is the only thing she can do?

*Terrorist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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