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Russian gas price for current year must not exceed $180: Poroshenko

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko chaired over a meeting of the National Council of Reforms on Energy Efficiency wherein he presented his estimations of the Russian gas price, which, in his words, must not exceed $180 per 1,000 cubic meters.

“Diversification of the power supply routes, emergence of competitive source coupled with the decline of the global oil and gas prices, has resulted in a reduction of the gas price from $337 in Q1 2015 to $227 in Q4. This year we are anticipating a price close to $160-$180,” the president said.

The president said Ukraine received 92% of gas from Russia in 2013. This figure was reduced to 74% in 2014. In 2015, it was 37%. “This year, the figure is zero,” Poroshenko said.

As EADaily reported earlier, Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller said on June 6 they received an official letter from Ukraine’s Naftogaz with a request to resume the gas supply.  “I am speaking about nine months: the second half of 2016 and Q1 of 2017,” he explained.

Miller explained that European gas supply to Ukraine has been reduced. “Reverse from Europe decreased 6.4-fold in June comparing with May and 16.8-fold comparing to April,” he said.

The Russian gas supply to Ukraine was halted in November 2015, when Naftogaz received the pre-paid gas and made no new request to Russia.

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