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Romanian aircraft violates air space of Transnistria

The Foreign Ministry of Transnistria has sent a note to Romanian Ambassador to Moldova Marius Lazurca following reports of a Romanian aircraft having violated the air space of Transnistria.

On Apr 17, the plane broke the Transnistrian air space for 16 times and took pictures of the republic’s territory. 

The flight was not allowed by either the Transnistrian authorities or the Joint Control Commission.

The Transnistrian Foreign Ministry notes that such unfriendly actions cause higher tension between Transnistria and Romania and undermine the international efforts to maintain stability in the region.

The Transnistrian authorities urge Romania to prevent such incidents in future as one of their duties in protecting the border and the air space of Transnistria is to cut short any such illegal attempts.

“Such provocations may cause higher tension between Transnistria and Romania and may wreck the efforts of the OSCE and other parties to the 5+2 format to establish a dialogue between those involved in the conflict,” says the Transnistrian Foreign Ministry.

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