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Last video of lawyer Grabovsky made public in Kiev

The Military Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine has published the last video of lawyer Yuri Grabovsky, where he promises not to defend Alexander Alexandrov, a Russian arrested in Donbass in 2015.

When asked by someone why, he says: “I see no more possibility for defending him. Why? Because I have realized my mistake.”

Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios has refused to comment on the video. “We have found this video on the Internet. It has been posted by one of the assassins. There are several such videos,” he said.

As EADaily reported earlier, Grabovsky disappeared on Mar 6. On Mar 25 the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine said that Grabovsky was found dead. Later Anatoly Matios confirmed his death. He said that he was found near Zhashkov, Cherkasy Oblast. “He was shot down. On his leg there was an explosive, which means that the assassins threatened that they would blow him up if he tried to escape,” Matios said.

When commenting on the murder, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said that this proves that anti-democratic and totalitarian tendencies in Ukraine are becoming stronger. According to Oksana Sokolovska, the lawyer of Yevgeny Yerofeev, the second Russian detainee, people will never know who ordered the murder. “The Military Prosecutor’s Office is keeping the case secret. They did not even call Grabovsky’s relatives when they needed to identify his dead body,” Sokolovska said.


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