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Kazakhstan Senate asks president to announce snap presidential election

Kazakhstan Senate has asked President Nursultan Nazarbayev to support the initiative of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and announce snap presidential election. Senate Speaker Kasim Zhomart Tokaev read out the application at the plenary sitting of the upper house of the parliament, according to BNews.kz.

“The Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan fully supports the initiative of the Council of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of February 14, 2015 to announce snap presidential election. The initiative found strong national support and earned praise of Kazakhstan’s people. In the light of the growing global tension, emerging conflicts in the world, and global economic crisis, it is necessary to ensure domestic policy stability, create favorable conditions for implementation of your long-term strategy - Kazakhstan 2050, the concept of “Mangilik El” (The Eternal Nation), "Nurli Zhol" (Bright Path) programs, to access the group of the world’s developed countries," said K. Tokayev. Kazakhstan is entering a new phase of development. In this regard, stability is of paramount importance as a precondition for successful implementation of the president’s policy aimed at further reforms in the country, the application reads.

“We, the Senate members are confident that snap presidential election would help enhance peace-building, unity and accord in our country. Mr. President, we ask you to support the initiative of the Council of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and consider the issue of snap elections,” Tokayev said.

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