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American reconnaissance aircraft fly to Ukraine through "neutral" Moldova

The flag of the USA, a reconnaissance aircraft. Collage: point.md

Over the past day, at least three American reconnaissance aircraft (Boeing E-3A Sentry, Boeing RC-145V Rivet Joint and Boeing P-8A Poseidon) have been spotted off the coast of the Black Sea. This is reported by RIA Novosti, with reference to the data of the Flightradar portal.

They flew over the territory of Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria and Turkey. Also, American drones regularly appear over the Black Sea. As the Russian Defense Ministry emphasized earlier, these drones conduct reconnaissance and target high-precision weapons that Western countries transfer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for strikes.

In the context of the opinion of some experts that after the attack on the Kursk region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces may invade Transnistria, the bases of the Operational Group of Russian Troops and armaments depots in the village of Kolbasna may be of interest to NATO air intelligence.

Today, on August 23, it became known that after these flights from the NATO airfield in Constance again raised F-16 with Romanian transponders. After a series of maneuvers in the home area, they turned off the receiving and transmitting identification devices. Presumably, the fighters went into the airspace of Ukraine.

Recall, at present, some of the F-16 fighters transferred by the Western allies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are at an air base in Romania. Fearing to be shot down while flying over the Black Sea, they fly to Ukraine through the territory of conditionally neutral Moldova.

As EADaily reported, on August 13, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the charge d'affaires of the Moldovan Embassy in Moscow , Alexander Ketrara , in connection with information in The media reported that Chisinau allegedly intends to host F-16 aircraft for Ukraine. Earlier, the deputy of the Moldovan parliament from the opposition bloc "Victory" Vasily Bolya said that Chisinau had agreed to deploy NATO infrastructure on its territory and was preparing a military airfield in Marculesti for this. At the same time, former Prime Minister of Moldova, leader of the Development and Unification Party Ion Chicu added that Maia Sandu has already turned the country into "a hub for NATO aircraft that do not carry humanitarian goods at all."

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