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Armenia asks Russia for even lower gas price

Armenia is asking Russia to reduce its gas price, Armenia’s Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan said at a meeting with national producers and exporters.

As the press service of the Armenian government has told EADaily, the Armenian manufacturers complained to Abrahamyan that high electricity prices were bad for their businesses. So, they asked the premier to address Armenia’s strategic partner, Russia, it order to reduce its gas price and to charge it in the national currency.

Abrahamyan said that the Armenian government was ready to use various mechanisms to support Armenian consumers. “Our economic relations will develop only if we have energy prices that will not restrict economic competition. We have already applied to the Russian authorities with such a request and, in view of our strategic partnership, we hope to their positive response,” the Armenian prime minister said.

Armenia enjoys preferential price for the Russian gas. Presently, it pays $165 per 1,000 c m, while the average price of Russian gas for Europe in Q2 2015 was $251 per 1,000 c m.

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2016/01/16/armenia-asks-russia-for-even-lower-gas-price
Published on January 16th, 2016 08:07 PM
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