Igor Levitas: About the elite cattle yard of the EU, and not only

Illustration to the book by J. Orwell's "Animal Farm". Source: wordpress.com
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Everyone seems to agree that discrimination is bad. However, in life it turns out almost like in Orwell's "Animal Farm": "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

In practice, there are bad discriminations, and there are good ones. Here is an example from our Soviet life: Andrei Kozyrev (remember such a reptile) could not enter MGIMO, for a number of reasons. And he went to work as a fitter-assembler at a machine-building plant in order to enter on preferential terms. For persons who worked in the workplace after school were given priority right to enroll in universities. A typical example of "correct" discrimination. And the fact that another person who honestly passed the exam could study at this place did not interest anyone: "We will not allow working youth to be discriminated against!" And the Soviet Union was reproached for this, calling such discrimination a sign of a totalitarian society.

Not so much time has passed, and the West, first of all the USA, has shown in practice what discrimination is. I remember about 10 years ago, there was an article by Mark Salzberg, a professor at the Physics department of the University of Houston. Here is the quote:

"There is a graduation act at the university. Diplomas are awarded. And who do you think was the most famous that evening? An excellent graduate? An aspiring young scientist? A man known throughout the university for his talent? No, it's not. The enthusiastic reception and speeches were addressed to a 28-year-old Black woman who studied at the university for 10 years instead of four and with difficulty, with public help, scored a minimum of points to get a bachelor's degree. Here is her short track record. Mother of three children, never had a husband, a former drug addict and alcoholic, a frequent visitor to the prison. Many times she abandoned the teaching, which was unbearable with such a life and intellect. She was reinstalled as many times by various charitable and human rights organizations. This woman is a reflection of the entire modern American ideology."

This is also a typical example of "correct" discrimination. Over the past 10 years, this phenomenon has spread widely not only in the USA, but also throughout the Western world. The ideology of "guilt and forgiveness" received the greatest development after the death of drug Floyd, who died of a common overdose. Thanks to the efforts of the black population of America and the US Democratic Party (no wonder their symbol is a donkey) An unprecedented campaign was launched to humiliate whites, especially men. Those who make up the bulk of not only the US working class, but also the so-called "white collar workers", i.e. the middle class. Hiding behind slogans that for many years white men, heterosexuals and Christians have discredited Blacks, Latinos, Indians, women, sexual minorities and so on, these categories of residents of the United States, and after them, and Europe, began to discriminate on the contrary.

Higher educational institutions were filled by those who entered regardless of the available knowledge, but solely thanks to the "social elevator" policy, which supports applicants who, due to various social factors and life circumstances, cannot compete on an equal footing with the majority of applicants. And it was they who became the majority in higher educational institutions of the West, and not those who were once considered the majority - ordinary applicants poring over textbooks. In the USA, there have long been prerequisites for this from a somewhat unexpected side.

Almost the entire color of American sports, for example, all NBA players (National Basketball Association) — graduates of universities. As you understand, they did not study to study — they were "enrolled" in universities so that they could play for student teams, from where the best turned out to be in professional sports. By the way, the same thing happened at one time in the USSR, and again, for this, the Soviet Union was accused of representing students as professionals. And since the majority of athletes in the USA are black, there would be no complaints. It doesn't matter what kind of specialist you will become after university, the main thing is "faster, higher, stronger" — to bring glory to the USA. And white men will also work as specialists.

Although recently there have been problems with this. They are trying to hire blacks, LGBT*+ members, and women. And again, it doesn't matter what kind of specialist you are, it's important what skin color you have and what gender you are. "Correct" discrimination is in full swing and in all its glory. The son—in-law of my American friends is a white native of Texas from among Spanish-speaking Americans, but not "Latinos". He had a new lesbian boss at work. Once, over a beer, he told his colleague that he didn't like lesbians. But this is understandable — he is a good Catholic. A colleague, as usual in America, immediately snitched, and the guy was fired a day after this conversation. Here it is — discrimination. And you say…

It would seem, yes, and let them do what they want in their States, in their Europe. The main thing is how it will affect the Russia? After all, it turns out that soon the West will be mired in the abyss of illiteracy, not linguistic, but professional. Not quite so, and the best example is what happened and is happening now in European public institutions. An illiterate, completely unprofessional, aggressive and complex army of officials flooded European structures. I mean the European Union, the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and other senseless institutions created not for work, but for expanding political influence and feeding a large number of European officials.

I do not have the opportunity, and most importantly, the desire to check all parties and institutions. But here is a small example for you. In Germany, as in many countries, there is a green party. The head of the faction in the Bundestag since 2013, Katrin Goering—Eckardt, did not study at the University of Leipzig. The co—chair of the party in 2018-2022, Annalena Berbok, was unable to get a second degree at the University of Berlin. And in 2022-2024, two more co—chairs: Ricarda Lang — studied law at the Universities of Heidelberg and Berlin, but did not receive a diploma, and Omid Nuripur - studied German philology, political science and law at the University of Mainz, but never received a diploma of higher education. And this is only in one party, but at the federal level.

It is quite logical to assume that the level of education, or rather the level of unprofessionalism in other parties is not higher. At one time in the West, and even in our country, they laughed that collective farmers and hard workers were sitting in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and they were writing with mistakes. Yes, but there were educated professionals in the leadership of this Council. and here we are talking about leadership. The fish goes out from the head.

And if it were only about the usual unprofessionalism and Russophobia. Here you are: there is a near—political scandal in Brussels. The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, hired and paid 149 thousand euros to her compatriot, the German historian and media expert Peter Stroshneider, for writing a report on how to reach an agreement with European farmers who do not like the "Green Course". Journalists found out that Stroshneider is a specialist in medieval... court poetry, and his knowledge of the impact of pesticides on the cultivation of winter barley varieties, for example, in Southern Poland remains a rhetorical question.

Or here: the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, appointed the first EU Commissioner for defense, the former Prime Minister of Lithuania, known for his anti—Russian position, Andrius Kubilius. His portfolio is likely to be limited by budgetary problems. And Kubilius will be obeyed by Henne Virkkunen from Finland, another opponent of Russia, who will oversee the EU technology Commission. Even in Europe, they started talking about the "Baltic bloc" in the EU government, directed against Russia. And there are dozens of such examples, if desired. And this is not only blatant illiteracy, but also quite obvious corruption. What is terrible? All this will be swept under the carpet and There will be nothing for Ursula.

And in conclusion, it is impossible not to dwell on the ancestors of some of the current employees of the "democratic" structures of Europe.

1. Joachim Freiherr von der Leyen from July 1942 was the occupation head of the Lviv district in Galicia on Ukraine and participated in the Holocaust. He died in Dresden in 1945. This is the grandfather of Ursula's husband, a figure especially revered in her family.

2. Annalena's grandfather, Wehrmacht Colonel Waldemar Berbok, was a "zealous supporter of National Socialism" who was awarded the Iron Cross in 1944. And she herself said that she was proud of her grandfather.

3. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis — his great-grandfather Vytautas Landsbergis Zhemkalnis was the Minister of Infrastructure in the Lithuanian Nazi government in 1941, the chief administrator of concentration camps in Lithuania and the man who signed the decree on the nationalization of Jewish property.

4. Ivan Stir was a colonel in the Ustasha Army and assistant to Veikoslav (Max) Liburich, the commandant of the Jasenovac concentration camp, who was "mercilessly" killed in Madrid. And his grandson Davor Ivo Stier is a member of the European Parliament, who was elected head of the delegation of the European Parliament for relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.

Believe me, the list goes on. To paraphrase a well-known saying, you can say: "Scratch any European official — you will find a Nazi, a corrupt official, an ignoramus.

*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation