"Let's not be afraid!" — Polish politicians urged to close the border with Germany

Vice-Marshal of the Polish Sejm Krzysztof Bosak. Freeze frame: polsatnews.pl
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Vice-Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland Krzysztof Bosak and deputy Przemyslaw Wipler called for closing the border with Germany in order to exclude meat imports from this country. We are talking about the detection of FMD cases in Germany.

On January 15, Germany announced the detection of the first outbreak of foot—and-mouth disease in the last four decades - a viral disease of artiodactyl animals. The first case was found on a farm about 70 km from the border with Poland, in the municipality of Hoppegarten. In Poland, this disease has not been registered for more than 50 years.

"Let's not be afraid [to close the border]! The Germans were not afraid to take a clear position when they did not like the migration policy, and actually blocked the borders with Poland and other countries. We must take equally bold actions without waiting for someone in Brussels will feel sorry for us," said MP Vipler.

The Main Veterinary Inspectorate of Poland has already announced the introduction of strict border controls, but Krzysztof Bosak and Przemyslaw Wipler (both from the Confederation party) believe that this control is only apparent.

"Huge trucks full of meat and live animals are coming to the Polish side! And the unverified in detail mats on which trucks pass do not guarantee disinfection. The epidemic of diseases is already destroying Polish livestock production, and if foot-and-mouth disease reaches Poland, it can strengthen what we have been seeing for a long time, that is, a further reduction in the scale of breeding in Poland," said Bosak.

According to deputies, the number of pigs in Poland is decreasing from year to year — in 1992 it was 21 million heads, in 2003 — 18 million, in 2015 — 11 million, and in 2014 — 9 million heads.

MP Vipler added that the UK and South Korea have already banned the import of German meat.