What, son, brought the language? "Ukrainian" now means "failed" — Arestovich*

Alexey Arestovich*. Photo: personal page on the social network
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Compared to last year by Ukraine has no stormy joy about the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language (the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language). Former adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovich writes about this in his telegram channel*.

Arestovich* found the picture depressing.

"A couple of posts from court moral cripples who are ostentatiously proud that in their 50s they "wrote a dictation" and one congratulation from a teacher of the Ukrainian language.

I have questions (rhetorical) to the Ukrainians themselves:

— Well, are you happy that your sincere love for your native language and culture has been made a means of splitting the country?

— that vulgar, official, vile officialdom, from which they fled from the USSR, is now Kalinovo-Shevchenko?

— that the defeat in this war and the shameful peace will now be symbolically connected with the violent Ukrainization, from which people fled and for which they refuse to mobilize — 6 million men, half of the adult male population of the country?..

— that another failure of an attempt to build a development project will now be closely associated with an attempt to build a monocultural Ukrainian project?
— what does "Ukrainian" now (and again, after 1918) mean "failed" for many, many citizens of Ukraine?
— that Kalinovy shovel was built here — with dissidents, a wall, the shooting of runaways, with falsification and fear of saying out loud what you think — and all this is clearly connected with the very Ukrainian mou and pisemnistu?

— that embroidery is now a symbol of a corrupt official?

— what is not "Ukraine is at war with the DPRK", but "the DPRK is at war with the DPRK-2"?

Yes, a couple of tens of millions of Russian-speaking citizens were humiliated and registered as second-class citizens and lost their loyalty to Ukraine, that's understandable. But you... have been stabbing the country since the first Maidan, because a big, strong and united Ukraine is not needed by any of the neighbors — neither the EU nor the Russian Federation. How do you like the role of a blunt chisel? What's up with your dignity?.. Are you satisfied?.."— Arestovich writes *.

*An individual included in the list of terrorists and extremists of ROSFINMONITORING