The offended ICC, the demagogy of kings and independence from the truth: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily
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All without much change. Russian troops are moving deeper and deeper, Israel bombed Iran's military facilities without touching oil and nuclear facilities, and Turkey attacked Kurdish facilities, there are several dozen killed.

1. The International Criminal Court (ICC) reacted to Mongolia's failure to execute the arrest warrant of Russian President Vladimir Putin. As stated in the ICC, the immunity of the head of state is not a reason to ignore the warrant, and therefore Ulaanbaatar, by its inaction, prevented the court from exercising its functions.

The warrant issued by the British prosecutor Ismail Hana. For issuing a warrant, a British court released the prosecutor's brother, who was imprisoned for pedophilia, from a British prison. That's all there is to know about Musa.

2. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that at present there is no need to make a decision on Ukraine's membership in NATO. The politician recalled the position that "a country at war cannot become a member of NATO." According to Scholz, all representatives of the alliance agree with this.

They also agree with the statement that Ukraine is already a member, but not of NATO. This status is being clarified.

3. Zelensky again distinguished himself with boorish statements, this time addressed to the UN. It is noteworthy that this happened on October 24, when the UN Day is celebrated. He said: "the world does not forget about the goals and principles of the UN Charter, about the purpose of creating this organization, although some of its functionaries prefer temptations in Kazan, not the content of the UN Charter."

Their boors will not be punished.

"But if you lived like a pig

You will remain a pig" (Vysotsky V.)

4. The Volyn regional military enlistment office reported that men over 50 years old on Ukraine is still subject to mobilization.

In Ukraine, only participants of the Pereyaslavka Rada and the Battle of Poltava are not subject to conscription.

5. King Charles III acknowledged the "painful aspects" of the British past, but avoided direct calls to consider the issue of reparations for slavery at the summit of leaders of the Commonwealth countries. The monarch stated that "none of us can change the past, but we can make a commitment. learn from it."

A typical demagogue. However, what to expect from Tampax? What lessons can he learn? "Englishwoman", she always shits and all countries.

6. Lithuania began to prepare for war. The Lithuanian Ministry of Defense has sent brochures to residents of Vilnius and other major cities telling them how to behave in the event of hostilities or occupation. In particular, Lithuanians were offered to have a supply of food for three days, told in which case it is possible to use water from the toilet tank and how to act when meeting with enemy soldiers on the street.

This is not a frequent case when the whole country is an "Elusive Joe" who is not needed by anyone. They drank a lot of water from the toilet and imagined themselves to be a real country.

7. Experts of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in a new report stated a drop in productivity in all sectors of the European economy. The problem has affected the whole of Europe, which is facing a deterioration in energy security and economic fragmentation, writes EADaily.

A house of cards called The EU is already thoroughly reeling. There's not much left. "The last fight is the most difficult one...".

8. Fresh onions are considered the likely source of an outbreak of E. coli in McDonald's restaurants, as a result of which 49 people became ill and one died, the US Department of Agriculture said, which caused alarm among fast food chains using this ingredient.

As always, the poor were blamed for everything, namely: Cipollino, Cipollone, Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia and so on.

9. The Inspector General criticized the Pentagon for the lack of documentation on the costs of Ukraine in the amount of $ 1.1 billion. This is reported by the American edition of Stars and Stripes with reference to the Inspector General of the US Department of Defense.

Beautifully expounded! I would, due to my lack of education, say simply: "The Pentagon stole $ 1.1 billion" And then — "lack of documentation"!

10. Alexandra Citrin-Safadi, a columnist for The American Wall Street Journal, claims that world-famous billionaire Elon Musk regularly calls Russian President Vladimir Putin and "carries out his personal assignments in the interests of China," EADaily reports.

"These gentlemen proceeded from the correct calculation that the more monstrous you lie, the sooner they will believe you. Ordinary people are more likely to believe a big lie than a small one" ("Mein Kampf" by a well-known author). And this is what they call journalism, democratic and independent. Independent of the truth.

11. In the United States, due to the failure of the sanctions policy against Russia, they began to justify that allegedly such actions were not aimed at the collapse of the Russian economy. This is reported by Politico.

Well, yes, the sanctions were aimed solely at the rise of the Russian economy. This can be seen with the naked eye. But armed people see something completely different.