Lukashenko named possible dates for the complete liberation of the Kursk region

Alexander Lukashenko. Photo:
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The liberation of the Kursk region of Russia is possible by the end of December. This was stated by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in an interview with Izvestia.

According to him, the situation around possible peace talks has changed now. If earlier it was about the fact that the world in If Ukraine is possible with the consent of the United States and Europe — the collective West, then now they want peace more than Vladimir Zelensky himself, who "rested completely." At the same time, according to Lukashenko, the West cannot influence Zelensky simply without giving another portion of money and weapons, because this is tantamount to losing face.

"Therefore, the West is not going this way, but they see what is happening on earth, where Russia is confidently, slowly, step by step, but is advancing at the front. In the same Kursk region, it is moving forward. They see it all and evaluate it. And they appreciate it, not like Volodya Zelensky. They understand that the collapse of Ukraine may come, and the collapse of Ukraine is the collapse of the entire collective West, because they got involved in this war. And now we need to make peace somehow. But Volodya Zelensky balked," the Belarusian leader noted.

The President of Belarus also stressed that now is the moment when "this breakdown is underway."

"And he (Zelensky — EADaily) stirred a little earlier, and especially now, with his "victory plans." These are actually calls for peace talks, and in Russia, too, has already changed its point of view. Russia is moving forward on the ground, a lot has changed on the ground, at the front," Lukashenko said.

At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that the "Kursk adventure" of Ukrainians has seriously changed the situation.

"Russia too — today's situation has changed, we will talk differently, in a different place and on other issues. Well, can I say so? She hasn't quite said it yet, but she can. But I am pleased that the Russians and Vladimir Putin are taking such a constructive position. Ukrainians need to take this position into account. Let's hope that by the end of December the Kursk region will be liberated. And there will be some progress in terms of negotiations. We are ready to act in this direction," the President of Belarus said.

In addition, speaking about his recent closed-door talks with representatives of the West, Lukashenko stated that they already realize that the war is the fault of both sides.

"Right now, right at the talks, they told me that yes, we agree. Here it is necessary to take the blame on both sides. And Ukraine, and not just to rot Russia. This is what the West says. This is already some progress," he stressed.

At the same time, he did not talk about with which representatives of which countries closed negotiations were held.

"Because we agreed that these are closed-door negotiations. Although some people there, abroad, have tracked something and start: "Oh, the plane flew there, someone went there," and so on. But we are not commenting on this," the President of Belarus said.

Recall, Russia is conducting a special military operation on Ukraine from February 23, 2022. In August 2024, Ukrainian militants invaded the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. Currently, Russian troops are busy ousting and eliminating them.