Moscow demands urgent clarification from Berlin: NATO base opened in German Rostock

Photo: TC MFA of Russia
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German Ambassador to Alexander Lambsdorf was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow, and a strong protest was made to him in connection with the creation of the regional headquarters of the NATO naval command in East German Rostock. This was reported by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"On October 22, the German Ambassador to the Russian Foreign Ministry was summoned. Moscow, which has been strongly protested in connection with the creation, on the initiative of Berlin, of a regional headquarters of the NATO maritime command based on the headquarters of the German Navy in East German Rostock,"the report said.

According to the ministry, "Washington, Brussels and Berlin should be aware that the expansion of NATO's military infrastructure to the territory of the former GDR will have the most negative consequences and will not remain without an appropriate response from the Russian side."

"The Ambassador was told that this step by the ruling circles of the Federal Republic of Germany was a continuation of the course towards a creeping revision of the results of the Second World War and the militarization of the country. There is a gross violation of the spirit and letter of the Final Settlement Agreement with respect to Germany of September 12, 1990. ("2 + 4 Agreement"), in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 5 of which it is obliged to prevent the deployment and deployment of foreign troops on the territory of the former GDR," the diplomatic department noted.
"They demanded immediate and exhaustive explanations from Berlin," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

The diplomatic department recalled that "tragic parallels with the remilitarization of the Rhineland by Germany in 1936 in violation of the terms of the Versailles Treaty of 1919.

The Russian side noted that not only politicians in European capitals, but also their curators in Washington became infected with historical amnesia, forgetting what a catastrophe for the peoples of Europe and Germany itself turned out to be the tacit consent of Paris and London to the actions of the leadership of the third Reich dictated by blind hatred of the USSR, the Foreign Ministry added.

"Now, at the present historical stage, the former Western allies in the anti-Hitler coalition not only blessed Berlin for a direct violation of one of the basic international legal documents, but also became its direct accomplices," the report says.