The Soviet Mary Poppins, who lived in the USA for 30 years, called herself a "huge patriot" of Russia

Natalia Andreichenko. Photo: FAMETIME TV/ YouTube
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Honored Artist of Russia actress Natalia Andreichenko, who recently returned to After more than 30 years of living in the USA, he considers himself a huge patriot of the Russian Federation. She stated this in an interview on the FAMETIME TV YouTube channel.

According to the actress, only after leaving Russia, she felt the great love of the whole country for her.

"We're talking about love now, we're not talking about worshipping celebrities and celebrities. This is completely different," Andreichenko is sure.

The actress herself, according to her, writes all the time about this great love in her book.

"It's something that needs to be done, it needs to be earned," she is sure.

Andreichenko added that this love of Russian fans has always kept her on a "golden pillow."

"I felt it, I always came back, always, always, I always loved Russia most of all, because I am a truly huge patriot," Andreichenko concluded.

Recall, Andreichenko left the country in 1991 to the USA, to her husband Maximilian Shell.

As EADaily reported, Andreichenko appeared in Moscow in early September. On social networks, she wrote that she was "here again," and then posted a video from the car in which she admired Moscow.

It also became known that the actress recently wrote a book, in Moscow she is engaged in her dubbing and is also ready to present her creation to the public. Andreichenko demands 350 thousand rubles for a forty-minute speech, the Paragraph portal found out.

In one of the interviews, the actress has already managed to explain that "she came right now, at the most difficult time for the Motherland," because she simply had to be here.

She also added that she had arrived and was finalizing the book, "but the book is ready."

Andreichenko expressed confidence that there will be a film based on the book.