Georgia's main miller is ready to "replace the Russian market very quickly"

Photo: James Baltz /
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The head of the Georgian Flour Producers Association, Levan Silagava, said that the country could very quickly replace the Russian market.

According to him, 97% of wheat imports to Georgia come from This is due to the short period of cargo transshipment and the cheapness of transportation costs compared to other markets. However, Silagava said, if necessary, the country can import products from alternative markets.

"Dependence on Russia is 97%. In case of a possible negative effect, it is leveled by the reserves of the chain that worked correctly in this case. The main thing is that the mills work. If supplies are stopped, we have alternative markets — Kazakhstan, Ukraine, EU countries, in particular Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria," Silagava said in an interview with the business publication .

He is confident that Georgia "can replace the market very quickly."

"Other markets are open. The wheat harvest was a record. If there is a situation in which deliveries from the Russian Federation will be difficult, we will immediately switch to sea or rail alternatives," Silagava said.

Neither the publication nor Silagava explained why there should be a situation in which Russia should stop supplying grain.