Headquarters in Ukraine, prostitute Vucic, "Persistent noon" at NATO: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily
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As in many recent days, there were no major events overnight, unexpected or, conversely, long-awaited. To paraphrase a well—known expression, "I wanted everything to get better, but everything is as always." Even the press can't figure out what to put on the front page…

1. Since the spring of this year, the pace of mobilization to Ukraine has increased fivefold. This was announced by the general of the German army Christian Freiding, who heads the Special Headquarters of Ukraine in the Ministry of Defense of Germany, whose words are quoted by the publication Taggesschau.

As a matter of fact, it's not that he's lying like a broken man. The fact is that he heads the division of the German Ministry of Defense. Is it that now every NATO country has such a special headquarters? And then say that NATO is not involved in military operations?

2. Serbian leader Alexander Vucic decided not to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin on his birthday. This is what the Danas publication writes about. Previously, Vucic was in close contact with Putin, and now only with French President Emmanuel Macron, as it became beneficial for the Serbian leader.

I wrote a few years ago that she was a prostitute. It is a pity that I was not mistaken. They're all so...

3. Republican Member of the House of Representatives Marjorie Taylor Green from Georgia said that Hurricane Milton is a climate weapon specifically aimed at Florida. Joe Biden called her statements absurd, but millions of Americans in social networks supported the position of Taylor Green.

Milton covers Florida all over,
Voters twisting.
The way Biden suddenly howls,
Then she will cry like a child.

4. The Embassy of Moldova in the USA reported that it received the first 10 ballots for voting in the presidential elections and the referendum on European integration by mail. The diplomatic mission clarified that they are waiting for another 900 envelopes, writes EADaily.

Can I send an envelope too? After all, no one will be able to check whether I sent it or not anyway. Besides, it doesn't matter what you sent. The Moldovan Embassy has already voted for you.

5. The deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Yaroslav Zheleznyak in his Telegram channel said that the Parliament of Ukraine supported the bill on the "historic" tax increase. Earlier, the Rada Finance Committee approved a bill on tax increases in the first reading. According to the documents, it is planned to increase the military fee from 1.5% to 5%.

Well, that's right — to rob the people, so to rob. Historically. To be remembered for the rest of my short life.

6. NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte announced the start of the annual nuclear exercise Steadfast Noon next Monday. Steadfast Noon (from English. "Persistent Noon") — Two-week exercises for NATO members on handling nuclear weapons, which have been taking place since 2022.

The name of their teachings can drive you crazy. Why noon? And not midnight? I think that the name "Persistent insanity" is more suitable for NATO nuclear exercises.

7. The Swedish Academy announced the name of the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature — the award was given to the writer from South Korea Han Kang "for her rich poetic prose that resists historical traumas and reveals the fragility of human life."

The rationale for the award, as usual, is from the field of the same insanity as the "persistent noon". "Poetic prose", "historical trauma". By the way, the favorite was a Chinese writer. But to give a medal to China? You're crazy!

8. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that during his visit to the UK, he showed Prime Minister Keir Starmer the details of his "victory plan." The corresponding publication appeared in his Telegram channel.

Is this the plan he used to play the piano with? Is this plan still... on the agenda? I wonder what details of this plan he showed. There (I checked) there are not very many details...

9. NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte said that permission to use long-range missiles to strike deep into Russia would not radically change the situation in the conflict and urged not to focus on this issue.

A week ago, Rutte said that "Ukraine should be able to fire long-range Western missiles at Russian territory." As in the joke. My wife and her lover are in the bedroom, and my son is listening outside the door. Suddenly the husband returned. The lover hides under the bed, and the wife in the kitchen distracts her husband's attention. The child looks under the bed: "Well, aren't you breathing? And how he breathed, how he breathed!"

10. The Norwegian government will allocate 967 million kronor ($ 90 million) to expand the production of weapons for Ukraine. This is stated in a statement issued by the country's Defense Ministry.

We have already passed this: as of April 1, 1941, 275 enterprises in Norway fulfilled Wehrmacht orders with a total value of 59,005 marks; and as of January 1, 1942, 263 enterprises worth 55,740 thousand marks.

11. The famous cat Larry escaped from the residence of the British Prime Minister on Downing Street in London, as soon as I saw Vladimir Zelensky. The footage was published by the agency Ruptly in the Telegram channel. On them, Starmer met Zelensky at the door of the government building. They greeted each other for a photo on the red carpet, after which they went inside. As soon as the door opened, Larry the cat came out of it. And Zelensky came in.

The cat is smarter than many politicians. He has a chuyka. Or maybe it's easier — I felt a rat...