Trump remembered what Putin had told him about the Ukrainians: But he was right!

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump at a meeting in Hamburg, July 7, 2017. Photo: Stephen Crowley/The New York Times
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At a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 7, 2017 in Hamburg, US President Donald Trump asked what he thought about military assistance to Ukraine, and even then agreed with the Russian leader. This is reported by The New York Times.

"Trump told Putin that his administration was considering providing weapons to Ukraine and asked: "What do you think?Putin replied that it would be a mistake. Whatever America gives the Ukrainians, he said, they will ask for more," the publication says.

The former head of the White House did not object, the newspaper notes.

The leaders of Russia and the United States discussed Ukraine during their first telephone conversation on January 28, 2017. Trump was the first to raise this issue, asking Putin to express his opinion about this country. The Russian president started talking about corruption, to which Trump reacted with caution — he did not agree with his interlocutor, but did not defend Ukraine either. At the same time, he admitted that the conflict between Moscow and Kiev hinders the improvement of US relations with Russia, the newspaper writes.