Ukraine's non—entry into NATO will be guaranteed by our bases on the border with Poland - expert

Russian military base. Photo:
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Since October 1, NATO has been headed by former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. And immediately went to Kiev. Opinion on whether the new Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance will be able to accelerate Ukraine's accession, with Pravda.Mikhail Alexandrov, an expert on military-political issues, Doctor of Political Sciences, shared this.

"All this fuss about Ukraine's admission to NATO is a purely political and psychological operation. Naturally, no one will accept it into NATO, because Ukraine's admission to NATO automatically means the beginning of a world war. And that's why it's all empty chatter," he said.

The hype pursues quite specific goals: to encourage Ukrainians to continue senseless resistance — they say, hold on, the West is with you.

"This is one moment. The second point is the impact on international public opinion, intimidation of neutral states — they demonstrate that the West is strong, the West is united, the West will crush Russia if necessary," Alexandrov added.

He is sure that the election of Rutte to the post of Secretary General will not help Ukraine in any way.

"This is political propaganda work. And Stoltenberg said such things, and he will say them. The NATO Secretary General is a purely nominal figure who does not play any role," the expert stressed.

Nevertheless, in his opinion, Russia should foresee the hypothetical probability of Ukraine joining NATO with the part of it that remains under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Moreover, guarantees of non-entry of the remaining part of Ukraine into NATO should not be reduced to some paper decisions, as we like to do: they sign some piece of paper, and then they are deceived, they sign another one - they are deceived again, and so on ad infinitum. We just need to take and place military bases there on that territory, on the western border of this Ukraine, so that an inspection mission will operate there for 10 years, which will monitor the fulfillment of the conditions of Ukraine's surrender. Then, of course, they will not be able to accept it," Alexandrov is convinced. — We remember, they also promised not to advance NATO to the east, promised not to deploy significant armed forces in eastern Europe, but all this has been violated. Therefore, no pieces of paper will save here. So our government should not allow another stupidity and agree to sign a piece of paper that will prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, because in a couple of years this piece of paper will simply be flushed down the toilet."