Igor Levitas: Quadrobing is closely connected with LGBT people*, and not with love for animals

Kitty girls. Photo: telegraf.com.ua
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Despite the fact that today is Animal Protection Day, there are animals that I don't want to protect. Do you remember the Christmas trees of our childhood? Snowflake girls, bunny boys. Well, we jumped around the Christmas tree, sang songs, and put the rabbit ears and tail in a box. Until next New Year.

Some compare the current spread of the "movement" of quadrobers with those cute children's games. It's like comparing a bow and arrow to ballistic missiles. Both are weapons, but the distance, you see, is huge. And as often happens, imitators are quite far from inventors. I'm not talking about animals, but about who invented the quad. Yes, yes, there was such a movement in aerobics, when participants tried to imitate the movement of individual animals. Especially cats. But there is nothing terrible in this either.

The terrible thing begins when we see the use of an old Russian proverb: "Make a fool pray to God — he will break his forehead!". Because instead of physical exercises, a subculture appeared. And the most terrible thing is that this subculture began to spread among children under 14-15 years of age. That is, when both the moral and social self-consciousness of a person and his psyche are being formed.

I will try to "give words" to both sides. So, what do the defenders of this phenomenon base their protection of quadrobers on? "Childhood is a time for games"; "children have always liked to imagine and fantasize. At the age of 12, it is absolutely normal that they dress up as animals and parody them"; "this is an advanced creative game that migrated from preschool to early adolescence."

In my opinion, these and similar arguments are thin, very thin. These are arguments "at the top", on paper, in theoretical debates. But the truth is, it is much more concrete, much closer, much scarier.

I don't see anything wrong with repeated reminders of where in This subculture came to Russia. I don't want to say that everything coming from the USA and Europe is bad. But so much bad stuff has already been introduced from there that any phenomenon that has its roots in the conventional West should be taken with caution.

It is absolutely clear to me that, in essence, this phenomenon is closely related to the culture (if you can call it that) of LGBT *+. It is essentially subordinated to the same thing — the blurring of concepts such as family, mom, dad, son, daughter, man, woman. And if there are dozens of so-called genders in LGBT*+, which actually represent the demagogic fabrications of people with a disturbed psyche, then it's even simpler. You are not a man, you are an animal. Think about it — a person has decided that he is an animal. He did not imagine himself as a cat, a dog, but decided that he was this animal. And do not lie that he is playing, everything is much worse.

Let's leave all sorts of clever words for scientists, such as: "deviation", "neuroses", "totem animals" and other verbal balancing acts. This subculture for most children does not fit into any of the proposed schemes, except for one — the desire to somehow stand out from the crowd of peers. As a rule, only the child who, due to lack of mental abilities or physical strength, cannot shine with anything wants to stand out in any unusual way.

But everything would be fine if his inventions were not sometimes aggressive or defiant. But, please note, the child is already starting to lie here — to himself, to everyone else, to his hobby. Are you a doggie? Great, but why the Maltese lapdog or some other exotic breed? Imagine that you are an ordinary homeless mongrel and march out into the street, without a canopy over your head in the eternal struggle for a piece of food, in fights with other such poor fellows. Or sit on a chain with your grandfather in the village and drive chickens around the yard. Don't be offended if the owner kicks you drunk. What, you don't want to be a dog anymore?

Do you want to be a kitty? Strip naked, cats, however, as well as other animals do not wear clothes, and come on, practice walking on the tray. And in March, do not forget to go outside, there are several Kotofey Ivanovich waiting for you with passionate moans. And the kitty is not going to give birth, so five or six kittens at a time? Or didn't her mom tell her about it?

So we come to the most important thing. Children — they are children everywhere, though ... but more on that below. And the main thing in this madness is the parents. I have a feeling that the parents of all these quadrobics and quad—mice are morons. Which should be deprived of parental rights. And the sooner the better. How do they differ from parents of alcoholics and parents of drug addicts? Yes, nothing, by and large. They do not watch their children, allowing them to do whatever they want, and these behave the same way.

When I see a video where a compassionate mother who can't say no to her child takes him for a walk on a leash, I want to take this leash and show my mom where the crayfish hibernate. At the same time, maybe the child will think. By the way, I have seen pictures of a man leading another (whose face was wearing a mask similar to the muzzle of an animal) on a leash, and more than once, in articles and videos dedicated to BDSM). In my opinion, this suggests that the next step in these "innocent games" will be sexual perversion.

Omsk. The mother takes the child out for a walk on a leash. Screenshot of the social network video

It is impossible not to mention another group of people who are rapidly corrupting children. These are entrepreneurs, merchants. Those who, taking advantage of the moment, threw out food for young idiots, perfume and other paraphernalia on the market. In Russia, this is equivalent to the open sale of accessories and symbols of LGBT*+. "Zilch, zilch, and you're a quadrober" is a phrase from a perfume advertisement. Do you even know what dogs and cats smell like? Do you want children to sniff under their tails like these animals? Or copying their action, licking their causal places? Ugh, even writing is disgusting!

Oh, yes, I promised to remind you about the phrase "children are children everywhere," indeed it is. However, there are two worlds: the world of permissiveness, the world of perversions, the world in which, with the declared freedom, children are the object of adult manipulation, and the world in which children preserve the heritage of their ancestors, their traditions, their human, not animal relationships. All over the world, except for a few European countries, North America, Japan, this whole subculture is unknown. And this pleases, because it gives hope that not the whole world has gone crazy. And coercion is sometimes the best way to become human.

In this case, it is the deprivation of parental rights and legislative measures against those who manufacture and sell products for stupid children. By the way, it suddenly occurred to me: they could still represent one animal — a donkey.

*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation