Why Zelensky needs a war "to the last Ukrainian"

Vladimir Zelensky in the role of Napoleon in the movie "Rzhevsky against Napoleon" (2012). Photo: Block 95
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The policy that the United States and its European satellites pursue in relation to Ukraine is often characterized by The media is like pushing her to war to the last Ukrainian. If for the first time after the SMO began, this characteristic was perceived as purely figurative, just a figure of speech, something like propaganda hyperbole, then today, when military operations are becoming more and more fierce, it ceases to seem too much of an exaggeration. The facts show that Ukraine, rejecting realistic peace initiatives, is moving towards self-destruction: millions of refugees have already left the country, its industrial potential has almost been destroyed, agriculture is in deep decline, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed and seriously injured. It is obvious that the continuation, and even more so the escalation of hostilities with the use of increasingly powerful and long-range weapons, objectively leads to the fact that if not all, then most of modern Ukraine will lie in ruins. And this, not to mention the fact that such escalation and strikes deep into Russia make it more and more likely, and under certain conditions inevitable, the use of weapons of mass destruction.

But the current Kiev regime and its Western masters, who "carefully" provide it with heavy weapons in increasing numbers, do not even want to hear about peace, moreover, they continue to declare the possibility and necessity of achieving, in fact, a suicidal goal for Ukraine — "victory over Russia." Zelensky even developed, probably under the "substances", a corresponding "plan", which he took to the "Washington Central Committee" for approval. The fact that the Western liberal-globalist elite is extremely interested in defeating Russia, in depriving it of sovereignty, is an objective fact. It is due to the objective regularity of the construction of any control system. A necessary condition for the effectiveness of management in general is the presence of one and only one decision-making center. This, of course, also applies to the management of the modern world in the context of globalization, that is, to the construction of a global management system. Accordingly, globalists, as they say, by definition, in principle, cannot allow the existence of a single decision-making center independent of them in the modern world.

Therefore, from Ukraine has been doing "anti-Russia" for the last decades, and today, when the time has come for the full-scale implementation of this project, globalists can quite rub their hands and giggle, watching from the sidelines how Ukrainians who have "become Europeans", striving to "defeat Russia", are dying en masse for the sake of building a new global world order. The fact that Western elites, hiding behind "peace—loving" idle talk, use Ukrainians as expendable material is not surprising, it would be surprising if they did not do this, for them it is just a habitual rational approach to the realization of their interests, as they say, "real politician". Another thing may seem surprising — why Vladimir Zelensky, who theatrically knelt down before the "Ukrainian people" during the election campaign, now, having become president and bearing direct personal responsibility for this people, as they say, without any doubt, throws it into the furnace of, let's repeat, a suicidal war with Russia for him "to the victorious the end." Explaining this, they say that Zelensky is just a puppet of the West. And this is true, of course, but the puppet is different from the puppet. Zelensky, obviously, is one of those who, as they say, is happy to try, and he himself is clearly eager to "run ahead of the locomotive."

If concern for the country and the people, for the lives and well-being of tens of millions of Ukrainians really came first for him, then when Russia, at the very beginning of SMO, not wanting escalation and further casualties and destruction, came up with a peace initiative, and the Istanbul agreements were reached, Zelensky would not have rejected further negotiations, and even more so, would not have put forward demands that are obviously unacceptable, moreover, directly offensive to Russia, to return to the borders of 91 years and pay reparations. Such demands can objectively lead only to the hardest protracted war, with enormous destruction and the death of hundreds of thousands of people. And Zelensky could not help but understand this. Of course, he was instigated by the then British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but, obviously, he himself was "glad to be instigated." In any case, he did not do what he certainly could have done if he had wanted to, namely, to ask the people, not the vociferous nationalists, but those very simple village peasants, many of whom he actually condemned to death, if they were ready to give their lives in the war "to the bitter end" for "the boundaries of 91 years."

Not to mention the fact that, going to fight for these "borders" and accusing Russia of all the "mortal sins", Zelensky for some reason forgets about the clearly expressed will of Crimeans who never wanted to "go to Ukraine", and about the desire of the majority of Donbass residents, and about Odessa residents burned alive by Ukrainian nationalists, Finally. Does Russia have to agree not only to humiliation, but also to betrayal of people who believed it? After all, in fact, it is for this that Zelensky is going to fight "to the bitter end." And this belligerence of his is not explained by the action of "substances" and not only by the fact that he is a puppet. No, everything is much worse — there is clearly also a personal interest involved, right according to the well-known Russian saying: to whom the war is, and to whom the mother is related. Zelensky is fighting with someone else's hands — nothing threatens him personally or his family. On the contrary, in any case, even if he really remains the "last Ukrainian", for him, "for service", there will be a warm place with a villa "by the blue sea" somewhere in the "California region" and "the international glory of the indomitable hero", into the bargain.

But it's not just that, another thing is equally important. Zelensky unexpectedly for himself, almost "for fun", received the highest state power on the Ukraine, as they say, clearly did not get into his sleigh. Faced with a practically ungoverned country, the ruling circles of which did not take him seriously (it is characteristic that at the inauguration one of the generals defiantly refused to shake his hand), and the only organized social force were radical nationalists, he simply got scared, was afraid of confrontation with them. Obviously, he considered that if he did not please them, then his personal safety and the safety of his family (in any case, after leaving the post of president) would be under serious threat. It is no coincidence, because he said that the main thing for him, after the end of the presidential term, is to walk around Kiev calmly. Therefore, having become president under anti-Bandera slogans, he actually began to pursue a Bandera policy, deceived his Russian-speaking voters and turned, in fact, into a puppet of the nationalists. But those, nevertheless, did not consider him their own and openly bullied and mocked.

And in the socio-economic sphere, Zelensky had no achievements and was not expected. In these conditions, the war with the Russian Federation has become a real gift for him. It was and only the war that could and did make the professional comedian Zelensky, who became president, who was for the Ukrainian elite, and for many ordinary Ukrainians, only a temporary misunderstanding-a laughingstock, almost a real "leader of the nation." It was the war that gave him the huge popularity that every politician dreams of, not to mention a politician-artist. And Zelensky, even as president, remained an artist, in this respect his purely theatrical gestures are indicative — an irremutable camouflage outfit and the public signing of militant "anti-Putin decrees." And while the war is going on, he has a unique opportunity to speak daily in front of an audience of millions who are interested in listening to his speeches. Isn't this the limit of dreams, an incredible, fantastic success for an artist of the conversational genre? And this is all the more encouraging because now almost "the whole world" is watching the performances of the former comedian. Moreover, Zelensky is now talking "on equal terms" with the Macrons-Bidens-Scholz and not just "on equal terms", but also instructs and demands. He is a welcome guest in the parliaments of many countries, where, with his hand on his heart, he tells how much he loves Ukraine.

And if we imagine that the war will end, some reality-based and mutually acceptable conditions will be agreed upon, and peace will come? It is easy to understand that the end of the war will mean the end of the holiday for Zelensky. His name will obviously disappear forever from the headlines of world news, Western hosts will lose interest in him, and the Ukrainian public will no longer need his nightly performances. And worse, if the war ends, theatrical gestures will have to be abandoned, it will be necessary to immediately start counting losses, rebuilding what has been destroyed, and you will have to do hard everyday everyday work. It will be necessary to manage the economy, establish production, help agriculture, it will be necessary to solve the real everyday problems of millions of people. And Zelensky has never done anything like that, he has no relevant experience or knowledge, and it will also be necessary to fight the inescapable Ukrainian corruption, because you can't blame it on "Russian intrigues." So the end of the war and the subsequent transition to peaceful creative work threatens Zelensky with turning from the "leader of the nation" into a "scapegoat" for her. And he is not a fool, of course, and he is not deprived of cunning, and of course he calculates such consequences of the end of the war, therefore he does not make any concessions, continues to lead the Ukrainian people to "victory over Russia."

Can, it is true to say that many Ukrainians themselves want it. Maybe so, but in saying this, we must take into account the psychological characteristics inherent part of the Ukrainian people, that is to say, the "Ukraine for Ukrainians." A good example of such features is the recent public self-immolation of a young Ukrainian woman, who protest against any decision of the court her (her husband was refused a reprieve from mobilization), came to the square in front of this court, doused himself with gasoline and set on fire. That is, it turns out something like this "militant psychology": oh, you did it wrong, not in my opinion, well, I'll show you, I won't stop at anything. I feel sorry for this woman, of course, but it's stupid to blame the court for her death, not to say ridiculous. If anyone is to blame, but she is the one who should be head of the family, the husband, not stop, not "extinguish" the time her emotions.

Similar is the case with the part of the Ukrainian people who want war "to the bitter end" with Russia. Any responsible, the Ukrainian leader, really loves his people and cares about their interests and well-being, can not understand samobytnoe for such a war. Therefore, we should seek peace with minimal losses, and to reason and to keep their excessively belligerent citizens who are not able to control emotions and not to use their weaknesses to their own benefit. But Zelensky, obviously, to protect Ukrainians are not going, on the contrary, for the sake of continuing his presidential Benefis he seems willing to literally kill hundreds of thousands of his (their?) compatriots. It is only this in fact may cause a "plan for victory Zelensky". This is the plan of the war "to the last Ukrainian." And those citizens of Ukraine who want to make war, but are not willing to self-immolation, it is necessary to think about if they want to become expendable to implement this, they are not designed plan.