Coffins from ZELENSKYY, "Ukraine is no more", junk from Britain: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily
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The week is coming to an end. It was quite intense, but not as much as some people wanted. All this fuss in the UN and around with the participation of an overdue clown made few impressions on anyone. Vladimir Putin's words about the nuclear doctrine and the crumbling defense of Ugledar attracted much more attention.

1. RIA Novosti reported that the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky, registered the ZELENSKYY trademark in 2022 and 2024. According to the publication, this trademark applies to a number of services, including astrological, funeral and psychological. In October 2022, Zelensky registered the ZELENSKYY trademark with the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Initially, the words "Zelensky" and "intellectual" are so opposite to each other that the use of one automatically cancels the use of the other. But about funeral services — it's great. He is a great master at this.

2. 19 major railway stations across the UK, including 10 in In London, they were subjected to a large-scale cyber attack that affected their public Wi-Fi systems for passengers. Passengers connecting to the wireless network suddenly saw information about terrorist attacks in Europe on their device screens.

It's good to be a hacker in Europe and America now. Do what you want — they will still say that this is the Kremlin's hand. And they won't be looking.

3. Donald Trump, during a speech at a campaign event in North Carolina, touched on the topic of the Ukrainian conflict, saying that after almost three years of fighting, "Ukraine is no more." Excerpts from the speech of the ex-president were published on the social network X.

Trump is a little wrong. It was not there. There was a country 404. But once there was the Ukrainian SSR - that's right.

4. "The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak and Foreign Minister Andriy Sibiga met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Yermak thanked China "for supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine"" + "China intends to work behind the scenes at the UN to expand the number of supporters of its plan to end the conflict of the Russian Federation and Ukraine on favorable terms for Moscow. The document with the relevant content was distributed by the Ukrainian authorities among diplomats and officials of the UN General Assembly, Politico reports.

What I like about Ukraine's foreign policy is consistency in the presentation of the position.

5. The UK has expanded the list of sanctions against the Russian Federation, which includes five courts. This is stated in a document published by the British government on Thursday. Five new ship specifications have been added... as part of the anti-Russian sanctions regime.

In the morning we got up, went to the toilet, then to the bathroom — washed, cleaned our teeth and — sanctions against Russia. Always before breakfast, and only then can we assume that the day has set in the morning.

6. The former head of the European direction of the US National Security Council, Alexander Vindman, in an article for Foreign Affairs magazine, expressed the opinion that Ukraine should convince the West of the importance of new supplies, for which Kiev needs to demonstrate "clear goals that it can achieve" by immediately mobilizing 300 thousand Ukrainians."

My God, when will the Americans get drunk on Slavic blood? So that they are already vomiting from her... until they bleed.

7. In Ukraine, employees of Territorial recruitment centers (military enlistment offices), together with policemen, continue to create lawlessness during total mobilization. Their brutal methods of conscription continue to multiply the number of dead "recruits" who did not even go to the front. Another such victim of the "ludolovs" was a 53-year-old resident of the village of Svalyava, Transcarpathian region, Sergey Kanalosh, writes EADaily.

Here is just an example of what methods mobilization / grave-building is carried out. And Vindman apparently hadn't heard about it.

8. Belgian Energy Minister Tinne van der Straten called on the EU to take union-wide measures to ban the import of Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG), as the existing restrictive measures do not justify themselves. This is reported by EADaily .

She can call for anything — there is no government in Belgium and all the ministers are still temporary. And their calls are a concussion of the air.

9. The House of Lords of Great Britain urges citizens to prepare for defense. The appeal was published in the report of the Committee of the Upper House of the United Kingdom on international Relations and defense. The head of the British Ministry of Defense, John Healy, said that the UK is not ready for a large-scale conflict due to the long-term underfunding of the country's army.

And who is attacking the Britons there? With whom are they going to conduct protracted military operations? With your own fantasies?

10. The Czech edition of Forum24 reports that Western countries often send Ukraine has low-quality weapons. In particular, the author notes that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are being transferred to Abrams tanks without protection, infantry fighting vehicles, unusable missiles and howitzers with exploding barrels: "Some shells exploded immediately after the shot and wounded or even killed the crew."

And why does Ukraine need high-quality weapons? With scrap metal, they will resist longer, die more, and it is precisely these goals that the West pursues.

11. According to a court document, New York Mayor Eric Adams was charged with five counts. The mayor is accused of conspiring to receive funds for a political campaign, as well as electronic fraud and illegal financing by foreign citizens.

And he seemed just perfect — a black Democrat. Apparently, 20 years of working in the police have taught him a lot.