Russian actor Yevgeny Shishov was killed in the fighting in the Kursk region

Evgeny Shishov. Photo:
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Russian actor Yevgeny Shishov died while defending the Kursk region at the age of 42. This is reported on the portal .

"He died in the Kursk region, defending the territory of Russia," the website said.

The exact date of death is not specified, only the month is August.

The death of Shishov portal confirmed colleagues of the artist.

On the actor's social media page, the last post is dated July 31.

Evgeny Shishov was born in 1982. He is known for his participation in the projects "Sea Devils", "Die Hard", "The Magnificent Five", "Nevsky" and others. The last job was a role in the TV series "While the Clock is Running", which was released in 2023.