Russia is one of the three largest economies in the world with the lowest public debt per capita

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In 2024, the Russian Federation entered the top three largest economies in the world with the lowest level of public debt per capita.

This was reported on Saturday, August 3 by RIA Novosti, based on its own analysis of the latest data from the G20 countries.

On average, the level of central government debt per capita among the G20 states is $23.6 thousand. Among the member countries of the association, only six have exceeded this level.

According to the agency's calculations, according to the results of the first half of the year, India ($1,316) and Indonesia ($1,747) have the lowest sovereign debt per capita. Russia is third after them ($2076). This is followed by Turkey ($ 2.8 thousand), China ($ 3 thousand) and South Africa ($ 4.5 thousand).

The level of public debt per capita is more than $ 5 thousand — y Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Argentina. In South Korea, the national debt reached $ 16 thousand per person, in Germany — $ 20.9 thousand, in Australia — $ 21.2 thousand.

At the same time, the largest level of public debt among the world's largest economies per capita was recorded in the USA — $ 104.5 thousand.

Of the other G7 countries, six have public debt that has reached a level above the average for the association. Canada has the lowest debt level among them — $ 25.3 thousand per person. This is followed by France ($ 40.3 thousand), Great Britain ($ 51.6 thousand), Italy ($ 51.9 thousand) and Japan ($70.4 thousand).

Singapore became the absolute record holder in terms of sovereign debt per person with an indicator of over $ 149.3 thousand.