Ukrainian intelligence reports on the impending main strike of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation — Marochko

Illustration: Russian Ministry of Defense press service
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The intelligence of the Kiev regime reports to the military leadership that Russian troops have begun the main phase of the offensive on Svatovo-Kremen district.

This was stated on social networks on Wednesday, July 3, by a military expert, retired Lt. Colonel of the LPR Andrei Marochko, citing his own sources.

"According to the reports of Ukrainian intelligence to the higher command, the calculation of forces and means, the operational situation and other factors indicate that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have begun the main phase of the offensive in the area of Sandy, Stelmakhovka, Petrovsky (Grekovka), Makeyevka (LNR) and Nevsky," the veteran said.

According to him, Ukrainian sources cite indirect factors that, in their opinion, indicate the impending main strike of the Russian Armed Forces in the short term. At the same time, they have not yet been able to calculate the exact direction of the enemy intelligence strike.

Earlier, EADaily reported that the troops of the Russian group Zapad, operating in the Kupyansk direction, developed their success after the liberation of the village of Stepovaya Novoselovka and advanced into the depth of the enemy's defense.