The West does not feed: Prilepin spoke about the return to the Russian Federation of the rapper who criticized his

Slimus. Photo: a stack of video report from the concert in Moscow / Vkontakte
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In February 2022, rapper Slimus (Vadim Motylev) left In Russia, as a sign of quiet protest, in June 2024, the rapper returns to Russia and continues to tour. Writer Zakhar Prilepin drew attention to this by publishing a corresponding post on his telegram channel.

"Hundreds of thousands, or even more, did so — a million and a half who left. We left, we arrived, that's it," he said.

Prilepin wonders why they did this, and finds the most obvious answer.

"The money has run out, and the cool and free West does not feed, unlike the musty rashka," the writer believes.

However, in his opinion, there is another answer, and it is no less important.

"Here it is: our leadership repeats from time to time that "there will be no mobilization." So: they left and left, come back, we'll understand everything. War is for others. Some are fighting, others are condemning. As for the roles," Prilepin concluded.

As reported by EADaily, earlier the public organization "Veterans of Russia" demanded to cancel the Concerts of rappers Guf (Alexey Dolmatov) and Slimus in Russia, and check their work for drug propaganda.

Slimus has been living in the USA lately and has spoken out against a special military operation. However, now the artist has several concerts planned in Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as a joint performance with Guf in Kaliningrad. The public activists sent an appeal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the heads of the regions demanding to ban performances. However, the concert in Moscow on June 7 has already taken place.